Company profile
Civil construction works
Oil and Gas
Renewables and Environmental Works
Decommissioning Works
Salvage Works
Wintershall Decommissioning Campaign of P6-A Platform
Decommissioning of G14-B Platform
Wintershall Decommissioning Campaign of RAVN Platform
Removal of 3 satellite platform jackets: L7-A, L7-H and L7-N
Decommissioning of D12-A Platform
Decommissioning Campaign of 52/5A Platform - Hewett Field
Wintershall Noordzee BV: Decommissioning of L5-B platform
Wintershall Noordzee BV: Decommissioning of P12-SW platform
Ineos UK SNS Limited: Decommissoning of the Windermere and Cavendish platforms
Van Hattum en Blankevoort: Lifting and positioning of 2 concrete prefab pillar structures
ONE-Dyas Removal Campaign Topside & Jacket of P11-E Platform
Wintershall Decommissioning Campaign of 4 Offshore Platforms: L8-A, L8-H, P6-B & P6-D
Courseulles jacket with OSS installation
Lift Crane on vessel Sea Installer
Cooling water intake and outfall head installation for Hinkley Point C
Lifting 8 units onto the Johan Castberg FPSO
Arcadis Ost Offshore Substation Installation
Wintershall Q4-A & Q4-B Decommissioning Campaign
Installation of the OSS of the Kaskasi Wind Farm
Vulcan & Viking and Bravo Decommissioning Campaign
Lock Gate 1 removal from the Pierre Vandamme lock
Transportation and installation of two offshore substations Mermaid & Seastar
Chain Installation, Lifting, Parbuckling and Refloating of the Bukhta Naezdnik
Lifting of a Tiltable Pipe Lay System
Northwester 2 OHVS Installation
Replace Lock Gate 4 from the Pierre Vandamme Lock
Orwell, Thurne and Wissey Wellhead Protection Structures Recovery, Dismantling and Disposal
Discharge a Casco (Vinotra) from a Transport Vessel
Lifting Luffing Frame and Crane Boom onto Pioneering Spirit
Lifting OSS Albatros Topside
Re-floating and Salvage of Frigate Helge Ingstad
Installation of Accommodation Modules in New Built Vessel
Lift Knuckle Boom Crane onto the Multi Purpose Vessel Living Stone
Offloading Cargo from Jack-Up Vessel Pacific Osprey
Installation of the Norther OHVS Topside
Unloading of Floatation Tanks
Installation of 2 Topsides and 1 Module, Kriegers Flak Windfarm
Lifting Pierre Vandamme Lock Gate
Installation of 2 Gravity Based Foundations
Transport & Installation Rentel Offshore Substation
Decommissioning Platform 'Thames A 49/28'
Transport and Installation of the Offshore Substation for the Nordergründe Wind Farm
First Monopile Installation without the use of a Gripper Frame or Installation Template
Horn & Wren complete Platform Removal
Lifting of Section S-620 and set-down onto Section S-610 for Johan Sverdrup Drilling Platform
Bligh Bank Transformer Station installed
Installation of the Rampion Jacket
Flinterstar's Aft Section successfully removed
Flinterstar's Bow successfully lifted from sea
Transport and Installation of Gemini Substations
Lift Stinger Transition Frame from Barge Bumblebee to Quayside
Transport and Installation Luchterduinen Topside
Installation Subsea Jacket for Baltic II Offshore Substation
Decommissioning of the Draugen Floating Loading Platform (FLP)
Transport and Installation of the L6-B Minimum Facility Platform
Removal of the K10-B Platform
Installation of the Butendiek Substation
Installation of the Amrumbank West Substation
Fauzia and Elettra Jackets Installation
Ika JZ Development Project, Jacket Installation
Installation of Jacket, Piles and Topside for Borkum Riffgrund 1 Substation
Installation of the Nordsee Ost Jacket and Topside
Lifting of 2 Modules onto a FPSO Vessel
Lifting and Installation of a Drilling Tower onto the Globetrotter II
Lifting and Placing of Gravity Based Foundations for the Karehamn Wind Farm
Removal of Camelot CA Platform
Immerge, Towing and Installation of Tunnel Elements for the Coentunnel 2
Decommissioning of the Welland Platform
Transport and Installation of Ormonde Jackets and SSP
Wreckremoval of the New Flame
Lifting and Installation of a current Turbine Generator
Transport and Installation of two 5MW Wind Turbine Generators for the Beatrice Demonstrator Project
Salvage of the Vessel Rokia Delmas
Salvage of Autocarrier Tricolor
Lifting, Transportation and Placement of 150 Bridge Elements for the Vasco da Gama Bridge
Noorderlaan 133 - Box 31
+32 3 541 69 55